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Weederase is most commonly used for spot weed control in lawns and gardens as well as for control of vegetation in sidewalk and driveway cracks.

This product has shown to be effective for the treatment of annual weeds such as Black Medic, Chickweed, Lamb’s-quarters and Ragweed, as well as perennial weeds such as clover, dandelion, plantain, and wild carrot.



This product may be toxic to aquatic organisms. Do not apply to or allow runoff to reach lakes, streams and ponds. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of waste.



Weederase is best used through spraying during warm, sunny weather onto young and newly established weeds to the point of wetness. It is most effective on young weeds. Older perennial weeds may require multiple treatments. The product is best used in dry conditions; rain or watering remove the product and reduce its effectiveness.

All of the target plant must be sprayed for complete control. Nearby plants should be protected from the spray by using a cloth or towel, which can be washed after use.

Do not contact the weeds until the product has dried. If a large area has been sprayed, do not re-enter the area until the product has dried.

For early season annual weed control, when weeds are small (3-5 leaf) and actively growing, mix a spray solution consisting of 1L of product for each 3L of water. Ensure adequate mixing.

For control of larger annual weeds and top growth reduction (suppression) of perennial weed growth, mix a spray solution consisting of 1L of product for each 2.25L of water.



The main active ingredient of our Weederase herbicide is 20% concentrated acetic acid, a natural chemical compound that has proven to be an ideal replacement for synthetic herbicides. The concentration of acetic acid in the product makeup helps control weeds without causing damage to the environment. Weederase is regulation 63/09 compliant and breaks down easily when rinsed thoroughly. 

UBA supplies Weederase, 20% concentrated acetic acid in 20 litre delcans, drums and totes.

Kencro WeedErase 20% Concentrated Acetic Acid
