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1-part base nutrient only ONE bottle for seed-to-harvest

If ease-of-use is as important to you as yield and flavor then FloraMax Veg-1 should be your #1 choice in nutrients.

  • Veg-1 is a single-bottle that performs flawlessly from seed to harvest in hydro, coco and soil. This is ideal for commercial grows as it only requires ONE feed line and radically simplifies stock management. Additional use of PK additives will complement Veg-1 in flower to eliminate the need for a separate grow and bloom base nutrient.
  • Veg-1 is ideal for salty, hard and high pH waters – as found in many bore/well-sourced groundwaters.  Veg-1 will resolve or improve associated problems such as blocked drippers and a “cloudy” nutrient solution.
  • Veg-1 is completely soluble, runs extremely clean and has exceptional long-term stability. When Veg-1 is used as directed for run-to-waste systems, the reservoir can be stable for up to three months provided evaporation and light ingress are minimized. Veg-1 is also ideal for use with auto-dosing systems.
  • No “cal-mag” required.  When Veg-1 is used as directed, no “cal-mag” additive or extra nitrogen is needed.
  • Veg-1 has greater pH stability than most 2-parts.  Veg-1 is designed to tolerate reservoir pH levels 15-20% higher than competing products thus providing additional insurance against high pH water.  In soil and coco applications, pH adjustment is rarely required.  When used with FloraMax Flowering Enhancer growers will require about FIVE times ‘less’ pH Down than what they would normally use.
  • There are no tedious dosing procedures with Veg-1 – there is no waiting!  Simply measure, pour then stir.
  • Veg-1 contains premium grade ingredients including fully chelated trace metals such as Iron DTPA.  The ingredients are stabilized in solution and carefully balanced to eliminate any risk of toxicity and ensure the best flavoured fruits.  Also, Veg-1 is so stable it has a 10-year shelf-life.


Our product development capabilities are backed by over 50 years of experience as analytical chemists in horticulture and 25 years as hydroponic nutrient chemists.  One of our greatest achievements is ensuring that the full FloraMax nutrient line-up works together so that you experience a true expression of the plant’s genetic profile, not the nutrient inputs!   This was achieved through unbiased and laborious field testing combined with rigorous crop trials and feedback from over 50 industry professionals.


You can be confident growing with FloraMax Veg-1.  We utilize the highest grade of ingredients available for plant nutrient products.  Also, every batch of FloraMax is manufactured by our in-house senior chemist and quality tested before being bottled.  Our products boast extra long shelf-life, typically at least 3-5 years, which ensures every bottle performs to specification.  Growers can be confident of achieving consistent yields from crop-to-crop.

FloraMax Veg-1

  • Should I be adding *extra* PK additives to the FloraMax feeding schedule during bloom? No, the PK levels (Phosphorous and Potassium) are optimized with Flowering Enhancer, Resin-XS and the FloraMax base nutrient (VegaFlora AB or Veg-1).  Avoid using Resin-XS during early-bloom as extra PK may negatively impact yields with certain strains.  During mid-to-late bloom, we generally recommend using Resin-XS at 3ml/L (11.5ml/Gal).  However, for heavy feeders, Resin-XS can be used at upwards of 4ml/L (15ml/Gal).

    When using FloraMax, do I need a “cal-mag”?  No, the FloraMax line is designed to eliminate the requirement for additional “cal-mag” additives as it is built into our base nutrients and Flowering Enhancer product.  Over hundreds of test grows during the development phase there was never any need for a dedicated cal-mag additive. Furthermore, use of additional “cal-mag” may result in excessive calcium precipitate leading to clogged lines or build-up in the reservoir.

    Why then does FloraMax manufacture a “cal-mag”?  To address the deficiencies found in competing brands.  We are committed to helping growers achieve their best results regardless of the nutrient regime they follow, our Ca-Mg-Fe product is ideal for use with other regimes.

    Should I use an air-stone with Veg-1? Generally no as it is not necessary.  For run-to-waste systems (soil and coco) an air-stone is not required and should be avoided as they may cause adverse reactions with organic additives, especially if too much air is being injected.  As an alternative, if batches are being stored for more than a few days, System Maintenance should be used to prevent organic build-ups in the reservoir – especially if any light is able to enter.   For recirculating systems, air-stones may be beneficial especially if the dump frequency is infrequent, however as mentioned above, minimize the air injection rate if using organic additives.