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This HPS (High Pressure Sodium) grow lamp allows you to stretch your growing season to 365 days a year. Fine-tune your lighting system to provide optimum spectral energy levels that promote vigorous plant growth. HPS grow lamps provide up to 15% more available energy for plant growth than the standard high pressure sodium lamp. HPS grow lamp’s enhanced spectral energy distribution is designed to grow a wider variety of plants.

InterLux HPS SE 1000W Bulb

C$68.47 Regular Price
C$25.00Sale Price
Out of Stock
  • This lamp can cause serious skin burns and eye inflammation from shortwave ultraviolet radiation if outer envelope of the lamp broken or punctured. Do not use where people will remain for more than a few minutes unless adequate shielding or other safety precautions are used. Lamps that will automatically extinguish when the outer envelope is broken or punctured are commercially available this lamp complies with USA Federal Standard 21 CFR 1004.30 and Canada Standard SOR/80-381.