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B-52 - B Vitamin Supplement

This ever-popular formula contains Vitamin B1, kelp and other ingredients so plants grow well and produce more - even in the demanding conditions of your high-intensity garden. B-52 can promote the growth of roots, therefore allowing for an increased uptake of both the primary nutrients and micronutrients that your plants need. Professional gardeners use B-52 to strengthen and feed clones, seedlings, vegetative plants and blooming plants. This proprietary blend provides unique, powerful 100% guaranteed nutritional and vitamin support so your plants are always winners.


You Must Fortify Cannabis with Optimal Nutrition


And that starts with Kelp . . .

A plant-potentiating powerhouse loaded with more than 72 trace minerals.

Consider Kelp Mother Nature’s gift to growers.

It can help . . .

  • Increase plant resistance to a wide range of abiotic stressors and weather
  • Expand your garden’s root mass, increasing nutrient uptake
  • Support photosynthesis and respiration, invigorating your harvest
  • Create optimal conditions for strong, uninterrupted plant growth


In fact, it’s the Vitamin B1 in Kelp that helps create optimal conditions for supporting photosynthesis and respiration. Kelp and a B-vitamin complex are great. But here’s the thing… Cannabis needs a broad spectrumof plant-potentiating ingredients if you’re going to yield high-value harvests on repeat. You’re also getting humic acid, which supports your root zone, so you can expand your underground network and ensure your plants absorb these critical nutrients.


B-52 is specially designed for use with all hydroponic growing media, including coco coir, as well as continuous liquid-feed growing systems such as aeroponics, drip irrigation and emitters, NFT, flood and drain, and deep water culture.

Advanced Nutrients B52 (2-1-4)

SKU: WE-B-521/L
C$49.50 Regular Price
C$35.00Sale Price
Out of Stock
  • For Herbaceous plants including Cannabis. Nutrient Solutions: Mix a new reservoir weekly. Coco: Daily. Other Substrates: 2-4 times/week as necessary.

    Shake well before use.

    Use 2mL per Liter during all weeks of the grow phase. Use 2mL per Liter during weeks 3 through 6 of the bloom phase.

    Attention: B-52 is completely compatible with all pH Perfect Base Nutrients as well as with all non pH Perfect Base Nutrients and supplements and all competitors Base Nutrients and supplements.

  • Total Nitrogen (N) ..............................2%

              0.5% Nitrate Nitrogen

              1.5% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen

    Available Phosphate (P205) ..............................1%

    Soluble Potash (K20) ..............................4%

    Vitamin B1 ..............................0.18%

    Vitamin B2 ..............................0.007%

    Vitamin B3 ..............................0.05%

    Vitamin B5 ..............................0.03%

    Vitamin B6 ..............................0.03%

    Humic Acids (calculated average) ..............................0.051%

    Fulvic Acid ..............................1.9%

    Seaweed Extract ..............................0.4%